More Life Parent Email | Grow Youth & Kids Ministry Curriculum
Surprise! You get an extra email from us this month because (in case you haven’t noticed) it’s nearly Easter! We’re about to begin a special two-week Easter seres, so here’s what you need to know.
Here are a few things coming up in our ministry . . .

ADD THE DATES: Parent Events
This April, we’re hosting two events for teenagers and the parents (or parent figures) who love them. We’d love to see you and your kids there!

ADD THE DATES: Summer Camp
This summer, we’re taking teenagers to summer camp! Make sure your kid is registered before the deadline.


Sometimes, life can be pretty brutal. Just when we think it will leave us happy and satisfied, it ends up leaving us feeling emptier than ever. Just imagine the emptiness Jesus’ followers must have felt when, after all His promises of what was to come, Jesus was crucified. In this 2-week series, you’ll help students see that, while life here on earth can often leave us empty, Jesus came to give us a new kind of life — more life, in fact, than we could ever imagine.

Feel like your kids are drowning in a sea of new questions, apps, and devices? Want to talk about digital media more with our kids, but aren’t sure how? Help is here! The book Right Click helps you think and talk differently about digital media, as you learn from inspiring and creative parents like you who navigate these ever-changing waters day after day.
We were just wondering . . . How do you celebrate Easter with your teenagers?