Volunteers | Grow Youth & Kids Ministry Curriculum
Share Your Story

Share Your Story

Share Your Story How difficult is it to get the kids, teens, and small groups...

Spend Time With God

Spend Time With God

If you're familiar with church settings, you know spending time talking about...

Use Your Gifts

Use Your Gifts

Use Your GiftsThe volunteers and families at your church are probably...

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The Importance of Small Groups in Children’s Ministry

The Importance of Small Groups in Children’s Ministry

The Importance of Small Groups in Children's Ministry What is a church small group anyway (besides obviously being a gathering with fewer people)? Chances are, your church has a number of small groups. Church small groups can gather for many different reasons and can...

The Four Spiritual Habits

The Four Spiritual Habits

The Four Spiritual Habits When planning your year, we always recommend you start with a discipleship strategy. That’s because we believe spiritual growth should be the lens through which we see everything else we do in our ministries. We believe there are four...

Take a quick peek into February’s Grow Kids Series!

Take a quick peek into February’s Grow Kids Series!

The internet helps us learn how to do so many things! From new skate tricks and viral recipes to helpful hacks, there’s a “how-to” for almost everything. But is there a tutorial video for how to follow God? This four-week series is kind of like that — thanks to some...

Take a quick peek into February’s Grow Kids Series!

Take a quick peek into February’s Grow Kids Series!

When Jesus was on earth, he wasn’t exactly known for telling people what they wanted to hear. Jesus’ message was unlike any message people had ever heard before. He didn’t give shallow motivational speeches or feel-good sermons. He didn’t recycle the same messages...

Strengere wetgeving tegen illegaal anabolen spul kopen in Nederland

Strengere wetgeving tegen illegaal anabolen spul kopen in Nederland

Anabolen spul kopen is een term die wordt gebruikt om het kopen van anabole steroïden of andere prestatieverhogende middelen te beschrijven. Anabole steroïden zijn synthetische hormonen die worden gebruikt om spiergroei en krachttoename te bevorderen. Ze kunnen zowel...