The Importance of Small Groups in Your Church | Grow Youth & Kids Ministry Curriculum

The Importance of Small Groups in Your Church

In this post, here’s what we’ll cover:

The Importance of Small Groups in Your Church

So what is a church small group (besides obviously being a gathering with fewer people)? Your church probably has at least a few small groups for adults. Small groups can gather for many different reasons and can be an important part of men’s and women’s ministries. But do they really serve a purpose beyond a social gathering? 


What are church small groups and why are they important for adults? Small groups are about gathering more intimate groups of adults to:

  • Connect for a purpose
  • Meet at regularly scheduled times
  • Help people grow in practicing spiritual habits

Small group ministry is another way to help people connect and forge new connections, while strengthening their faith. These church small groups have many benefits.


Small groups are an important way for people to connect and learn within the church and there are many benefits:

Relationship Development

With fewer people in a small group, they have the opportunity to develop more meaningful connections and friendships with other Christians and build a trusted community of fellow believers.

Care & Concern

A small group can learn about the concerns of the adults within the group. As they learn of the concerns and needs of each other, they can relate better and show their care through words, prayers, and actions.

Faith Out Loud

Participating in a small group can help people learn to live out their faith. This is a chance for adults to put into practice what they have learned in their lifetime and deepen their faith and belief.

Prayer Practice

Prayer in a small group is more focused. The intimate setting with fewer adults can make it easier for each one to pray out loud, helping them increase confidence and further develop their prayer habits.

Comfort & Safety

Small groups are less intimidating. This provides a safe space and helps shy people feel more comfortable about speaking up and sharing or praying. Participating in a church small group helps people build confidence.

Edification & Encouragement

In a small group study setting, adults will understand how they can better serve each other by providing edification and accountability for their Christian brothers and sisters. It provides an additional opportunity to share encouragement for others.

Message Retention

Small groups equal less distractions. The more intimate setting allows for better control of the group to help people stay focused, which will help them learn and retain more of the message you’re teaching.

Leadership Development

People may be natural leaders or need to brush up their leadership skills a bit. In a small group setting, it allows the opportunity to help people practice leadership as they further develop and grow their skills.

If your church hasn’t started small groups as a part of the ministry, the time is now! There are many long-term benefits for people who have been a part of the small group experience. Grow Curriculum [Link] can help make it easier to start or continue your church’s small group efforts.

Grow Curriculum can ease the burden of small group leadership, by providing:

  • Small group questions for every week
  • Volunteer meeting outlines for training on specific topics
  • Monthly tip videos on how to be a better small group leader
  • A volunteer handbook to help you understand your role

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